Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I Don't Want to Be Home

I have the cutest niece in the entire world.

I don't care what anyone says.

Unfortunately, she was in a very fussy mood all weekend, and wasn't sleeping well. So it could have been a better visit. But I would turn around and head back to visit again in a heartbeat if I didn't have this pesky thing called work to worry about.

My flight out was uneventful on Friday (despite it being 9/11). Had a little turbulence heading into Dallas, but it wasn't that bad at all.

Mom and Dad picked me up, and we headed straight to my brother and sister-in-law's. And that's when I finally got to meet my niece. Wow, she is so tiny. And cute. And cuddly when she wants to be.

Like with most kids, she started squirming and crying when I held her. But I did hold her several times. And I spent plenty of time watching her.

Have I mentioned how cute she is?

Other than that, we didn't do a whole lot. B and SiL have some good friends who moved today, so we spent a little bit of time with them. We went to church on Sunday.

And they introduced me to the fun that is the Lego video games. I played Indiana Jones and watched Batman. I'm not normally a fan of mission games like those, but I think I will have to get them, and get them soon.

It rained the entire weekend. The first 48 hours I was there, it was coming down good. After that, it slowed down. But Monday night, it was the occasional drizzle with just cloudy skies. It was supposed to clear up and be sunny again starting today. It was also relatively cool (low 70's) and not nearly as sticky humid as I had expected.

It was so hard to fly back yesterday. On the other hand, we had a good flight. And the flight was only half full. I think that's the first time I've seen that. Probably because we were one of many flights flying on a random Tuesday.

We'll be back for Thanksgiving. I can't wait.


Unknown said...

My husband flew on 9/11 and it was fine, too. Since he works on Wall Street right at the WTC site, I think he preferred to be in flight than on site.

My son LOVES the Indiana Jones Lego game for Wii.

Mark Baker said...

Yeah, I don't think I'd want to be down on Walll Street on that day even though I still don't think they'd hit something else that day.