Thursday, January 02, 2003

As promised, here I am with this week's Thursday Threesome, brought to us by the US Post Office and The Back Porch.

Onesome: Postage Hey, did all your packages and cards get delivered? ...or are you (or perhaps someone on the receiving end) still expecting something 'any day now'?
If they're still expecting something from me, they're going to be greatly disappointed.... :) Didn't send cards out, don't plan to, haven't in 4 years. All presents got delivered in person.

Twosome: Due: Are you due for a break after all the excitement of the holidays? ...or are you just moving on with life? Maybe the upcoming weekend is a good thing to see on the horizon?
Just moving on. Funny, I wouldn't have said I'd had a break, but I'm feeling more rested then I've felt in a long time.

Threesome: Two cents... What's your two cents on things wintery? Has it been one you can handle so far or a bit too much for your taste?We've been having a mild winter again this year, even for us. Although the last two days have been very cold, especially in my apartment. The upstairs really messes with the heater. We desperately need more rain soon! If we have the winter we did last year, we're going to have no water all summer and even more fires then we did. Plus, I've missed my rain in winter.

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