Thursday, September 22, 2005

Thursday Threesome for September 22nd

Brought to us this week by mobsters and The Back Porch.

Onesome - Gunning - What is it that you have been gunning for lately?
That's easy. Making the top 100 at But I seem to be stuck at 103. Haven't moved one way or the other for about a month now.

Twosome - Down - What brings you down?
People being mean to me. Frustration with how I'm behaving. And when I'm extremely shallow, things no going my way.

Threesome - Romance - What's the most romantic movie scene you can recall? Are there any scenes that get your heart-a-fluttering?
The ending of Beauty and the Beast. I tend to watch movies where the romance is a sub-plot, so this ones a little tougher for me.

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