Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Nightstand for June

It's time for this month's What's on Your Nightstand, hosted as always by 5 Minutes for Books.

Last week, I finished up a reread of The Magician's Nephew.  I love Narnia and enjoy all the books, but this isn't one of my favorites.  It just takes us too long to get to Narnia.  Once we do, the book picks up and I enjoy it more.  There just doesn't seem to be that much to the book, really.

I am doing something different this time through the books, however.  I am going to read them in chronological order instead of the order they were written in.  We'll see if anything new pops out at me that way.

Now I'm in the middle of Set Sail for Murder by R. T. Jordan.  This is the fourth in his series about aging actress Polly Pepper.  This time, Polly is attempting to track down the killer of one of the co-stars of her TV show who was killed on a cruise they were all taking.  I think I have the killer pegged, but we'll see if I'm right or not.  Anyway, it's amusing as always.


bekahcubed said...

I always enjoy hearing comments on books I enjoy a great deal. Unlike you, I consider The Magician's Nephew to be among my favorites in the Chronicles of Narnia. I guess I identify with Digory and Polly's "exploring" and their petty squabbles a good deal (not now, of course, but from my childhood), and that provides some of the appeal to me.

Mark Baker said...

I have always loved LWW, and The Last Battle is my second favorite.

Of course, I do love all the books. Except Prince Caspian. I've always struggled to read that one.

Nise' said...

Reading the books in chronological order sounds like a great plan. Enjoy.

bekahcubed said...

It's funny that your second favorite is The Last Battle. That title just happens to be my least favorite. Heh.