Saturday, August 25, 2012

Weekly TV Recap for August 25th

Two summer finales tonight with two more coming next week.  Time for the lull before fall, I guess.

Political Animals - They promised a big shock, and they delivered.  I couldn't believe it when the President's plane went down.  That was certainly a shock.  If the show comes back, I wonder if he will survive or not.

Stars Earn Stripes - I hate to see anyone go because they are all doing so well.  And I loved how everyone cheered for Nick when he jumped out of the helicopter, over coming his fear.  It would be easy to root against him because that would mean he was going home, but that's not what they did.

White Collar - Mozzie centric episodes are easily my favorite.  Not much connection to the episodes around it, but it was fun to have a light episode that resolved itself.  And there were so many great lines.

Covert Affairs - I'm not that surprised by the last few moments of the episode, but I am surprised at how they ended it with Joan.  Are they really writing Joan and Arthur out of the show?  That's what it looks like.  Is this going to just be the Annie and Auggie show now?

Royal Pains - I was cringing for so much of the first half of the episode.  But the last part was so nice.  The way Mr. Lawson rallied around Paige was sweet.  And the revelation at the end?  Yikes!  I can't wait to see where they go with that one.

Necessary Roughness - Captain Awesome!!!!!  Oh yeah, and in the non-Chuck part of the episode, I actually wasn't super comfortable with the tennis pro's storyline.  Not unexpected how it turned out, but not happy about how they got there.  But the other storylines?  Amazingly tense.  I can't wait to see where they go next week, especially with the teaser.  Okay, so the friend's storyline wasn't tense at all, but turned out to be the much needed light moment in the episode.

Melissa & Joey - My favorite part of the episode was Ryder's attempts to eat junk food.  And the tag at the end was classic.

Burn Notice - I was so worried that Jessie was going to be the one to turn on Michael.  Card isn't much better, but we don't have nearly enough invested in him.  That last scene where he was lying to Madeline was so good.  Speaking of which, she was outstanding in the episode.  Good to see her again.  And the ending?  The "red shirt" sacrificing himself for Michael and the team?  Great stuff.  Can't wait until November.

Suits - Wow, wow, wow.  Let me say it again, wow.  Everything we've gone through this season was to get Hardman back in control of the firm?  And he faked it?  My mind is blown.  I honestly expected him to get control at the end of the episode, not the beginning.  And I expected it to follow through the rest of the season, not appear to end tonight.  Now, Mike and Rachel.  When will those do ever get things figured out?  And when are they going to let us in on the secret of the can opener and the thumb tacks.  (Not that anything will live up to the imagination.)

Wipeout - Two hours, but since the episodes were the same people, it wasn't bad.  The person I was rooting for one the first hour, too.

New TV on DVD Reviews:
Hey Dude - Season 3   

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