Monday, August 09, 2010

Vacation Post the First - Dallas Leg

So you might have noticed my blog was a little more silent than normal this last week.  That's because I was on vacation.  I was all over the place and had an awesome time.  I'll be covering it in multiple posts, three at a minimum, but probably more.  And we'll start at the very beginning.  (I hear it's a very good place to start.)

On Saturday the 31st, I left home for Dallas, Texas.  I hadn't seen my niece since my brother's graduation in May, so it was time for a visit, right?  I thought so, anyway.

I had the worst time with luggage on my trip here.  It took my almost an hour to check in, and it took them an hour to get my bag to me after my flight.  Fortunately, the rest of the trip wasn't like this.

Anyway, everyone was waiting for me when I got to baggage claim.  And my niece was being so cute right from the start.  She's a great walker, although she'll still crawl some.  After my bag finally game, we headed to Sweet Tomato (I know it better as Souplantation) for dinner.

Sunday was up for church, and then my brother and sister-in-law had a first birthday party for my niece.  It was small, just a few friends and me.  My niece usually goes down for a nap not too long after church, but she was a trooper, staying up until after she had her cake (which she loved) and opened presents.  That night, we went out with the youth for dinner.

Monday was a relaxing day around the house.  We did go out for an early dinner/late lunch and to grab some snacks for a movie.  That night, we went to see Inception.  They liked the movie, I was okay with it, but that's about all.  And my niece?  She stayed home with a babysitter.

This was the first visit where I was the only visiting family, and it was very nice to have the time with my niece to myself.  Yeah, she was playing shy a bit.  She's play with me for a while, then go hide behind Mommy or Daddy and keep peaking out at me.  I don't think she was really worried about me since she didn't start that until Sunday.  But there were some times where the two of us were able to play together quite a bit.  And she brought me a couple of her books to read to her.  Not that she likes to sit still for a book that much, but it was still fun.

Yes, Uncle Mark is still wrapped around her little fingers.  I can't wait to go back and see her again.

Tuesday morning, I left for the next leg of my trip, but that's another post.

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