Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thursday Threesome for August 16th

This week's edition is brought to us by restaurants and The Back Porch.

Onesome: Going out-- means what? Deal with this and plan that and...? ...or can you just leave and hit it ... where? Hmmm... Where is "out" for you?
Well, going out usually means planning and work. I am very seldom spontaneous. Even when I am, I usually have to grab something or finish something first.

Where is out? Anywhere outside the condo complex, really.

Twosome: " the dogs?" Is that just a strange expression? ...or do you 'get' it? What's the most curious expression you've heard or you use and others don't 'get'?
Honestly, I think I get that expression, but I'm not sure. There are lots of things I say people don't get. They're family sayings that, even having lived away from them for so long, I say without thinking. I either explain or just deal with the strange looks.

Threesome: Dinner-- bells and chuck wagon triangles: what sound means food to you? Okay, okay, sure, the ice cream truck counts !
I really don't have a sound that means food to me, not even the microwave. However, I've got a great story about the ice cream man.

When I was really young, I thought that it was the music man. He'd come through the neighborhood and play music. My parents didn't correct me because they didn't want to deal with me begging for ice cream. One evening, a nieghbor my age spilled the beans. However, to this day, I have never bought ice cream from the ice cream man.

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