Thursday, June 27, 2002

Time for today's Thursday Threesome brought to you by God (after yesterday, I just had to use that one) and The Back Porch.

Onesome: Soak--Like a sponge, what class in school did you seem to absorb the easiest?
While I did well in all my classes, for me, it was always History, English, and Business. I love American History. Every so often, I think I should take some classes toward a second degree in history. Obviously, I loved my business classes too, since that was my major. :) And even though I don't choose to read classics for fun and profit, I did enjoy reading them for my English classes.

Twosome: Up--What things always bring you up when you are down?
Friends showing my they care. Reading something I completely enjoy. This could definately include a reread of an old favorite. Spending some time on something I enjoy doing, basically.

Threesome: The Sun--Enjoy the sun? What's your favorite outdoor activity?
On hot summer days like we're having right now, I love to swim. Also, I obviously love playing ultimate frisbee, but I'm glad summer league is at night. It's too hot to play during the day most of the time. There are days when all I want to do is sit outside and read. Pleasant weather is an invitation to be outside and enjoy, right?

So there are my answers for the week. Answer in your blog and then leave us a note on the porch to let us know where you are.

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