Thursday, February 08, 2007

Thursday Threesome for February 8th

Got do this quick.

Onesome: Pitch-- What is your singing range? ...and do you sing at all?
I'm really not sure what my range is, but I do sing all the time. Which is a very good thing on nights like this when I am leading worship.

Twosome: Yaw--'ll ken that one? Do you have any 'dialect words' that you use as a matter of course? "Ken", meaning "to understand" (Scottish and other derivations) in this case...
I sure don't think so. I'm a boring California American with no dialete and no accent, either.

Threesome: and Roll-- on down the road? Hey, if the roads were as icy as they've been in the Midwest and East would driving to work even be a consideration for you?
Probably not. I don't drive on icy roads normally, so I'm not used to it and won't way to try.

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