Thursday, February 01, 2007

Thursday Threesome for February 1st

Can you believe one month of 2007 is gone already?

Anyway, this week's edition is brought to us by chopping sprees and The Back Porch.

Onesome: Slicing-- your way through the fairways of life? Terrible metaphor, -eh? Do you have metaphor or simile that just drives you bonkers when you hear it?
Not that I can think of off hand, but I'm sure I drive others crazy with cliches I use.

Twosome: and-- on and on and on. What's the duration of your 'long' phone calls? You know, the ones where you just chat and chat and chat? Guys, you may be able to pull an exemption on this one...
I usually spend an hour talking to my parents and my brother and sister in law on the phone on Sundays.

Threesome: dicing-- up anything for the game this weekend? ...or are you taking advantage of the sales? ...or is it a case of "what game?"
Nothing exciting for the game Sunday for me. I'll have it on, but who knows how much attention I'll pay it.


Matt said...

"chopping sprees" I'm glad I'm most of a continent away from you. No! Put down the butcher knife! Put down the knife Mark! Don't make me use my PPG!

Mark Baker said...

You said I was chopping humans. I'm sure if the result of my chopping spree was a great dessert you'd change your tune.