Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day Two Report

So, I've now finished my second day on my new job, and I really like it so far.

Admittedly, yesterday was a very slow start.  I didn't get a computer until part way through the afternoon, so I was sitting and reading procedures.  There's only so much I can absorb without actually doing it.

However, today has been much better.  I've been working on some analysis and budgeting, and I feel it's been going well.  And my co-workers all seem nice, which is a huge step up as well.  Plus there's the flexibility of schedules, which means I don't have to stress if I'm running a little late.

Traffic yesterday was perfect both ways.  Of course, I started at 9AM and left at 6PM.  Today, aiming to arrive at 8:30AM, there was a bit more traffic.  Still, it was less time than I was commuting to my last job, and that was without the school/college traffic that has been building back up.

So far, I'm very happy.  Hopefully, they are, too.

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