Thursday, May 25, 2023

August into September 2022 - Crazy at Work

(Just a quick note:  If you are landed here because of a comment I left on your book blog, you might be more interested in my review blog, Carstairs Considers.  But you are very welcome to stick around here, too.)

I meant to come back with another post before this.  But that's how life is going these days.

So, where was I?  Oh yeah, back in August of 2022.  Right after I got back from my Alaska cruise, we found out that one of my co-workers was taking an promotion and leaving our department for another one.  That left a huge hole in the department since she'd been there for years and knew her job forwards and backwards.  Unfortunately, a lot of her job fell to me on top of what I was already doing.  Since August is a quarter end month (thanks to our slightly off fiscal year), that meant things were extra stressful and extra crazy.

Just how bad?  I worked 19 days in a row the end of August and beginning of September, including all three days of Labor Day weekend.  And that was just to get us through the stuff that had to be done for close.  I (sadly) wasn't ahead after all of that.

They did hire someone pretty quickly, but he didn't work out.  Fast forward to April, and we finally have a replacement, who is working out well.  In the meantime, we had a temp, who was fantastic.

Fortunately, things seem to have gotten a little better after that.  I mean, it is still crazy, but not that crazy now that I have some feel for what I am doing.  But it is very hard to take time off.  I took two days off in April, and I didn't really catch up until the end of the month.  They've been good about letting me take time off (as you'll see as I keep updating), but there's just so much work before and after any more.

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